Saturday, 16 October 2010

The Grapes of Wrath

Mercury Theatre. Act I 95m. Act II 75m.

A Oklahoma dust bowl family escapes to California to find work, but once there things are even worse.
Long but engrossing production with many innovative and epic moments, a powerful story put across with some powerful performances. Not as brilliant as John Ford's searing black-and-white film masterpiece from 1940, but pretty good in its own right.

w: Frank Galati, from the novel by John Steinbeck
d: Timothy Casement
s: Gary Shelford, Nicky Goldie, Roger Delves-Broughton, Tim Treslove, Adrian Stokes, Ignatius Anthony, Gillian Cally, Keith Dunphy, Emily Woodward, Ian Harris, Jim Kitson, Christopher Staines, Holly Knowles
lighting: Ben Payne