Sunday, 26 November 2017

2017 - what were we thinking?!

Well, it's been the first year of Citizen Trump (to put the word "President" beside his name does an indignity to the office), and also the fall-out of the accursed "Brexit". The best thing that can be said about the former is that there's (hopefully) only another three to go, and as for the latter, we can only be thankful that the UK is dragging itself slowly towards cutting the umbilical chord with Europe, as it realises what an inherently stupid idea that was.

Sunday, 18 June 2017

London can take it

A word to the wise. If you look around the city of London at the moment, contrary to media suggestions that the city is on heightened terror alert, you will also see several signs around the West End and elsewhere saying "everyone welcome". It is a symbol of the city's indomitable spirit: London endured a Blitz and many other dangers besides. Just like New York, it is a city that goes on ceaselessly, in spite of its many perils over the years.

Tuesday, 28 March 2017

The nation's letter of rejection

Note this moment. This nation signed away its empire, signed away its many colonies, and now Britannia signs away her closest allies, to render it an even smaller island than it was already in a much bigger world.