Sunday, 3 February 2019


(Headgate Theatre, Colchester)
Romeo and Juliet
Priory Players. Act I 55m. Act II 50m.

Generational role reversal of Shakespeare's play set in an old people's home (in rival Montague and Capulet wards) with disapproving children instead of parents for the aged lovers. Ingenuously a lot of it comes off, in better fashion than Priory's similarly experimental punk Richard III (qv), although the feudal aspect amongst grumpy old people seems a little odd when taken out of context, but a fine cast of veterans show the unexpected charm and humour of the play, making winsome romantic lines sound rather charming and witty when coming out of the mouths of septuagenarians, some of whom are on the top of their game.

d: Lorraine Haworth
s: Sara Green, Tony Winn, Paul T. Davies (as the Nurse), James Potter, Ivy Dillon, Helen Bridge, Donna Potter, Nigel Walford, Sara Carr
piano: Izzy Liddamore