John F. Kennedy once said in 1962 that Freedom has many difficulties, and that Democracy is not perfect. Never more has the democratic process been exposed and laid bare than at this moment with the "Brexit" debate - but one rash referendum conceived by a Conservative party at war with itself has led to nationwide disagreement;
literally, a divided nation.

Through all of this, in spite of the many impassioned views on either side, have been the many votes inside the House of Commons - presided over by the current Speaker of the House (and Chancellor of Essex University), John Bercow - which on this occasion have, at least, represented the people in a fair manner. For those who would barely give any second glance to Parliament and how it functions, they are truly seeing their own democracy in action.
This harsh but imaginative depiction by Banksy sums up the general disillusion of an uncaring nation towards its Parliament.