Why not just call it Kingdom of the Crystal Skull? The title is more of a mouthful than the plot, probably.
I confess I sighed when I saw that glossy "Lucasfilm" logo appear on the screen, as well as Harrison Ford rejecting $42 million dollars to play Han Solo (but choosing to play Indy instead.) From what I've seen of him on the first "sneak preview" trailer, he looks like he's doing it for the money - either that or the humour is missing without the presence of Sean Connery.
No sign as yet also of Karen Allen, who's so far the one shred of hope for me in seeing this film. I hope Spielberg isn't "selling out" too much, after the run of interesting, thoughtful and provocative films he's made just lately.
It's only February, and I'm already bored to my crystal skull with the hype - the bandwagon is up and running, and fans are clambering underneath it to get on board.
1 comment:
I have to admit I'm definitely fired up **big time** for this flick -- in fact, I was buzzing when I saw that trailer on the internet! KOTCS Looks great fun. I can't wait to see it, as I'm a massive Indiana Jones fan. Harrison seems remarkably well preserved (hopefully ILM didn't need to do any CGI on him -- haha!!) Karen Allen *IS* in the film (I've seen lots of stills of her.) and I'm looking forward to seeing Marion back again. Shia is fun to watch, and I like most of Spielberg's movies, so....woohoo! Roll on May 22nd and a fun meet-up.
I don't really have a problem with Ford not being in any "Star Wars" anymore -- for me, Indy was his best screen character anyway. Besides, Star Wars production seems to have gone in a different direction to covering the 'earlier days', so I doubt we'll see any film/tv/cartoon covering beyond "Jedi". But hey, who knows? All dependent on the box office takings/distribution deals I guess.
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