Saturday, 26 July 2008

Ten Great Running Gags

(in no particular order)

1. Alfred Hitchcock appearing briefly in his own films.

2. Beau Hunks: Oliver Hardy joins the Foreign Legion with Stan Laurel, in order to forget his jilted love, Jean Harlow. They arrive, and find that everyone else (including the enemy) have been jilted by: Jean Harlow.

3. To Be Or Not to Be (various characters): "So they call me Concentration Camp Ehrhardt!"

4. Bob Hope or Bing Crosby appearing uncredited in each of the other's "solo" films.

5. (from I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue): "Would you please welcome [to the Builder's Ball], Mr and Mrs Bennett That's Twice The Estimate, and their son Gordon Bennett That's Twice the Estimate!!!... and many subsequent variations.

6. The letters page of Private Eye magazine, which often finds an excuse for a picture of Andrew Neill (in a string vest) standing arm in arm with a bikini-clad Pamela Bordes.

7. The "Wilhelm Scream" in loads of blockbusters and action films, particularly anything associated with Ben Burtt.

8. Oliver Hardy to Stan Laurel: "Well, here's another nice mess you've got me into!"

9. A Have I Got News for You clip of Charles Kennedy playing skittles.

10. The very last joke, at the very end of the film Airplane!

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