So it came to pass, for better and not for worse, that Jonathan Ross ceased his lucrative BBC chat show. His Radio 2 slot (a station from which he has gained most notoriety) also finishes this morning. I've mentioned before in this blog about his crassness, paid at such outrageously lucrative sums, but on the other hand such talent shouldn't be suffocated altogether.
Reading an article in the Radio Times heralding the event, two TV critics argued the case for his impact on British television, and although I sided more with the anti than the pro view, I still couldn't share the opinion that his humour was juvenile and way below his actual age, when this is undoubtedly Jonathan's secret, and the reason he has been able to tap into the youff culture so much.
I could count the number of times Ross has made me laugh on the fingers of one hand, but he's a comedy survivor, a Court Jester for the 21st century. And let's face it, court jesters were never that funny, and always had their work cut out trying to entertain their hardened audience.
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