Sunday 4 May 2008

Has London gone mad?

Boris Johnson for Mayor?! Whatever next - Basil Fawlty as manager of the Savoy Hotel? And we nearly had Jeffrey Archer for Mayor before. Luckily Londoners saw through that ruse.

I suppose dear old Ken Livingston ("Red Ken" as he was known in the more extreme days of the 1980s) had it coming in the end. Interesting that he seemed less of a maverick figure once Tony Blair was out of office. It all sounds like a tremendous reaction against the current Labour Government, mostly by people feeling it in their pockets.

I fear dark times looming ahead, possibly even a regression to the days of Thatcherism or the worst of Blairism. Or maybe Boris will prove me wrong and show that he's actually quite a sincere chap who doesn't indulge in Tory sleaze and cares more about London being, well, London.

But I seriously doubt it.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Hi Joe, nice to see that you are doing a more general blog. I saw this story on Look East and the inference seemed to be that this level crossing was dangerous ignoring the fact that the unfortunate woman must clearly have crossed the line in the wrong place and at a time when either the lights on the crossing would have been showing danger or the gates would have been down.

Level crossings on railway lines are not dangerous as long as they are used properly and correctly. All to often the blame seems to be pinned on the railway and Network Rail, rather than either the inattention or stupidity of the peoople using them.