Sunday 31 May 2009

Educating Rita

Chameleons Web. Act I 82. Act II 68m.

A Liverpudlian haidresser wants to improve her mind by taking an OU English course.
Willy Russell's modernised socio-political take on Pygmalion is as much about the flaws of its Henry Higgins figure (played by Dave King with a brilliantly understated air of disillusionment), as its Eliza Dolittle: the life-loving, motormouth, initially chalk-and-cheese figure of Susan (aka. "Rita"), equally well played by the always technically excellent Suzanne Bailey - who here handles the complexities of a Liverpudlian accent (and slight upperclass variations) with considerable aplomb. As a potentially long, episodic two-hander Malcolm Kimmance's production never lags, and although the costume changes are a little sparse, this is a splendidly accomplished, intriguingly designed (making intimate use of a double-sided Headgate stage) and very well acted version of a popular crowd-pleaser, another feather in the cap for the emerging Chameleons Web group.

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