Saturday 5 January 2008

Another year, another blog page.

Welcome to what basically I fear is another means of wasting more time on the Internet, blogging away with some random reflections when I've got nothing better to do with sensible things such as watching films, reading books, or writing a proper diary with pen and ink.

If that first paragraph sounds a little candid, I suppose it is.

Fear not - for those who may just be reading this besides me - I don't intend to turn this into a "Grumpy Young Man's" blogpage, just a way of marking things down without having to worry about where I'd left them if they were pieces of paper. Sort of an online Memo book, if you like.

The intention is to be bright and brief, without waffling on too much. This introduction, by the way, is hopefully one of the long blogs!

The title derives from the fact that at school I used to be chided for my tendency to mumble, something which I still do today, alas, when I'm feeling insecure or underconfident. This is perhaps also why I've turned to acting just lately.

Ciao for now,


1 comment:

Derek said...

Hey Joe, I've just found this blog! Look forward to reading your random stuff on here.