Wednesday 15 October 2008

There's bad news, and bad news

Noted BBC (and prior to that ITN) newsreader Martyn Lewis once famously made the remark that there should be more good news broadcast on television and in the media in general. As an example he cited the famines in Ethiopia and Rwanda - hot news at the time, but no-one since bothered to report about the subsequent aid packages and subsequent hopeful reparations in those countries years later. There's a lot of truth in what he says, I feel. The way such grim events are reported too, is so rammed down people's throats - just in case they didn't get the gist the first time. The newspapers likewise, would rather cover pages and pages of the main apocalyptic news event, rather than covering all the stories with anything like a fair representation.

This morning it was more credit crunches, banks spiralling out of control, railways overcrowding, unemployment rising, and of course the weather (wet).

Listening to it all (on Radio 3) was about as much bad news as I could bear for one morning.

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